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About Us

The only winning move is to, not play the game!

The evolution of Weather'd Soul has taken many twists and turns.

We are hoping that you will enjoy direction that our brand has taken and we assure that our evolution in the genres that we inhabit will keep up with the changing times

The Journey of the Weather'd Soul

Back in the early 1980's. Two friends decided to embark on an endeavor and joined a new trend that was sweeping the entertainment scene.
Mobile DJ services were popping up everywhere and in the words of Tony Montana (Scarface) The World is ours and everything in it!

Pretty ambitious for a couple of 20 somethings in a young Silicon Valley and we took our first company 1st Note Productions as far as we could.

Unfortunately the original creator of 1st Note Productions life was cut short and the dream was put away.

Fast Forward to 2012!


1st Note Productions

Bruce Magee (CEO) who was beginning to feel the growing pains of wanting to start a small business. resurrected 1st Note Productions and also at the same time his musical partner Eddie Rock came up with the pre-brand "Weathered Soul".

1st Note Productions was the catalyst of an entertainment company that served the southern Santa Clara Valley with a venue called "The Garden @ Casa de Magee"

Here is where local musical talent would come and entertain our guest in an up to 50 seat venue. The company also provided event services for various parties, weddings and corporate events.
The Company also saw the creation of its first podcast: The Weathered Soul Podcast

The Weathered Soul Podcast debuted in late 2014 and had a a great 200+ episode run with myself and co-host Doug Funk

Then came the Pandemic. Covid saw the demise of many small businesses and 1st Note Productions was no different. Even though the podcast was still in production, the effort of creating material in such a dark time was challenging at best and stressful for both Doug and I.

DJ Doug and I parted ways in early 2019, and the Last Weathered Soul Podcast was aired in mid 2020

and disbanded soon after its 3rd episode.


Fast Forward to 2024!

WSMG (Weatherd Soul Media Group)

Out of the ashes of the Pandemic, Bruce had honed his skills in the art of survival, gardening and homesteading. he met a couple of motivated entrepreneurs: Ken Madden, Harkos, Jason Radosevich and Eddie Rock. Each of these gentlemen brought light into an idea that has now taken shape in the brand that carries the name Weather'd Soul

I dropped the last "e" and added the apostrophe and that is where we stand today.

WEATHER'D SOUL the brand that will bring you new podcasts named "The Weather'd Report" and "The Daily Weather'd View". We also have a monthly newsletter, keeping out followers up to date on the various expertise that the entrepreneurial team creates in everyday as they strive to see their own small businesses evolve.

Our Future is the development of a cooperative media group to serve the diverse clientele that our separate companies serve.

Our companies that we are growing are not a part of a conglomeration of one brand. We are sperate and individual entities and we have decided to promote and support each other in our future endeavors as we expand our reach into the interwebs

Meet The Team

The Weather'd Report

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